Officio has very strong partnerships with other publishers. Specially with two companies, the connection is very productive: Editora Unisul, a client for over 10 years, and Santa Editora, which is not far behind in terms of the longevity of the relationship. |
Fotografia Esportiva:
relatos, experiências e dicas de grandes coberturas esportivas
Sports Photography:
reports, experiences and tips on major sports coverage
Sports photographer Cristiano Schmidt Andujar reveals the secrets of his success, technical details and useful tips for both novice and professional photographers. Officio was in charge of the graphic design.
Rumo ao futuro:
Serra Catarinense
Towards the future:
Santa Catarina Mountains
The mountainous region of Santa Catarina – its natural beauty and its economic potential – described by the exquisite images of the experienced photographer Carlos Mafalda. A book released by Editora Unisul and graphically designed by Officio.
Casa 01
House 01
CASA 01 is the result of an unprecedented project in terms of sustainability. Located in the southern region of Santa Catarina, the building was designed to be a reference, a feasible example to be followed by professionals interested in contributing to the multiplication of sustainable constructions. Santa Editora was in charge of the edition and Officio was responsible for the graphic design and layout.
Hospital Infantil
Joana de Gusmão: Pediatria - Orientação diagnóstica e terapêutica
Pediatrics - Diagnostic and therapeutic guidance
In 1400 pages, the impressive physician Murillo Capella and colleagues put together all the routine HIJG procedures. Book edited by Editora Unisul and visually designed by Officio.
Pacientes inesquecíveis
Unforgettable patients
Stories full of emotion, in which Dr. Murillo Capella demonstrates that the doctor/patient relationship can be much greater than the merely professional. There are dozens of cases in this book that combine the joy of the healer with the gratitude of the healed.
Book visually designed by Officio.
Manual de rotinas ambulatoriais e hospitalares de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
Outpatient and hospital routines manual of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Released by Editora Unisul and visually programmed by Officio, this book works as a guide for the operation of Gynecology and Obstetrics clinics.
Anuário VEKA
VEKA Yearbook
The Latin American subsidiary of VEKA, the world's leading company in PVC profiles for the production of doors and windows, has launched five editions of its architectural projects yearbook, all of them are bilingual. Graphically designed by Officio, the edition is by Santa Editora.
Área - Arquitetura e Design do Sul do Brasil
Área - Magazine of Architecture and Design of South Brazil.
In its five first editions, Área Magazine was written, edited and diagrammed at Officio's office. Currently, Officio continues responsible for the graphic design and the writing and editing are in charge of Santa Editora.
Área Apresenta
Área presents
Also edited by Santa Editora, Officio takes care of the graphic design of Área Presents, a magazine that fully dedicates each of its editions to a major architectural project.
Cadernos de Naturologia e Terapias Complementares
Journal of Naturology and Complementary Therapies
Edited by Editora Unisul and graphically designed by Officio, the Journal publishes scientific research in these areas every six months.
Informativo da Credelesc
Credelesc Newsletter
Credelesc is a credit cooperative operating in Santa Catarina. To communicate results to its members, many of them living in the countryside of the State, the institution uses a periodical printed newsletter edited by M.Bertelli Comunicação and graphically designed by Officio.
Informe jurídico
Juridical report
Santa Editora produces for its client Sotto Maior & Nagel Advogados Associados an electronic newsletter on specific topics. Officio takes care of the design of the document.
Costão Golf News
Costão do Santinho Resort needed a printed newsletter to disseminate news about the practice of Golf in its facilities. First Via Integrated Communication asked Officio for the graphic design of the document and the layout of the first edition.